WebStorm shortcuts for lightning productivity

Essential WebStorm keyboard shortcuts to make you the most productive developer in the office

4 minute read

WorkFlowy is the most powerful web development IDE there is. If you want to match power with speed get your hands on WebStorm’s extensive and intuitive keyboard shortcuts.

Below, I’ve listed 75+ essential shortcuts across multiple application areas. Where I’ve added or changed a shortcut I’ve added “customised” in brackets afterwards.

See my other article on WebStorm’s features for detailed information on many and more of the features listed below.



  • Cmd + E - Recent files
  • Cmd + Shift + E - Recent locations
  • Cmd + Shift + O - Open file
  • Cmd + Shift + N - Create scratch file


  • Cmd + 1 - Toggle Project panel
  • Cmd + Shift + 1 - Select file in Project (customised)
  • Alt + F1 - Go to current file in… project, explorer, changes, browser, etc
  • Ctrl + Tab - Show thw Switcher popup


  • Cmd + Shift + P - Recent projects
  • Cmd + Shift + W - Close project (customised)


Code / Markup

  • Cmd + B / Cmd + Click - go to declaration / find usages (depending on context)
  • Works in all language (opens new window) types, even across boundaries!


  • Cmd + [ - Go to previous edit point
  • Cmd + ] - Go to next edit point




  • Alt + double-click - Select multiple words
  • Ctrl + G - Select next same word (forward)
  • Ctrl + Shift + G - Deselect next same word (backward)
  • Ctrl + Cmd + G - Select all same word


  • Alt + Up/Down - Expand / reduce selection bounds
  • Alt + drag vertically - Select multiple blocks or starts/ends of lines

Multi-caret operations (video here (opens new window))

  • Start typing to modify text on all lines
  • Arrow keys - Move carets
  • Enter - Add carriage returns
  • Delete - Remove text
  • Home / End - Jump to home / end on all lines
  • Esc / Click - Clear selection

Modifications once selected (Smart Keys (opens new window))

  • Type < ( { [ " ' - Wrap with the corresponding pair, i.e. hit [ to get [selection]


Multi-caret / range

  • Cmd + C - Copy text / ranges
  • Cmd + V - Paste into / over ranges


  • Cmd + Shift + V - Paste recent (popup)



  • Ctrl + W - Toggle soft-wraps (customised)
  • Cmd + Alt + L - Reformat code
  • Cmd + Shift + U - Toggle case


  • Cmd + / - Inline comment / uncomment
  • Cmd + Shift + / - Block comment / uncomment

Move lines

  • Alt + Shift + Up/Down - Move line up / down
  • Cmd + Shift + Up/Down - Move block (statement, element) up / down

Modify lines

  • Place caret anywhere within line then
  • Cmd + C - Copy line
  • Cmd + X - Cut line
  • Cmd + D - Duplicate selection / line
  • Cmd + Backspace - Delete line


Yes, Markdown!

Note that some Markdown shortcuts are a little unintuitive, so I recommend you review and change them.


  • Cmd + I - Italic
  • Cmd + B - Bold

Insert (also Ctrl + Enter)

  • Cmd + Shift + L - Link (customised from Cmd + U)
  • Cmd + Shift + C - Code
  • Cmd + Shift + I - Image
  • Cmd + Shift + T - Table

You can access additional Markdown functionality via:

  • the Right Click Menu
  • the Actions palette via Cmd + Shift + A:
    • type “Markdown” to see actions
    • type the formatting e.g. "Align Right"


  • Rename an opening / closing HTML / JSX / XML tag to rename its corresponding pair
  • Typing an attribute quote will automatically pair and position the caret, i.e. attr=" > attr="<caret>"
  • For mass editing:
    • Look to select patterns, i.e. : ' or = [ or class=
    • Then Ctrl + G to select same occurrences
    • Then Arrows, Home, End, expand selection to move around
    • Then start typing, toggle case, copy and paste, etc
    • You can get real creative!



  • Cmd + Shift + F - Find text in path
  • Cmd + Shift + R - Replace text in path


  • Cmd + O - Find class
  • Cmd + Alt + O - Find symbol


  • Alt + F7 - Find usages (whilst a file is selected)


Coding assistance

  • Cmd + P - Show function parameters
  • Ctrl + Space - Show completions
  • Alt + Enter - Show intentions

Code refactoring

  • Ctrl + T - Refactor this…
  • Cmd + Alt + V (then Up / Down) - Extract variable
  • Cmd + Alt + C (then Up / Down) - Extract constant

General refactoring

  • F6 - Move file / namespace / function / variable
  • Shift + F6 - Rename file / namespace / function / variable
  • Drag file - Move / refactor file

Code generation

Live templates

  • Cmd + J - Show available templates, then Tab to insert
  • Or simply type template key (i.e. forin) + Tab - Add template with placeholders
    • Use Tab to jump between placeholders

Postfix completion

  • Type <expr>.log + Tab - convert expression to console.log(<expr>)
  • Type <expr>.if + Tab - convert expression to if (<expr>) { ... }


  • Cmd + Alt + T > T - Surround with tag (then type tag name to fill in)
  • <expr> + Tab - Generate tags using Emmet
    • Use Enter to jump between placeholders




  • Cmd + Shift + A - Find action (any application command; tip: use this any time you can’t remember something!)
  • Shift + Shift - Find anything (files, classes, assets, shortcuts, preferences, etc)


  • Cmd + , - Show preferences dialog
  • Type anything - Find preference


Click any list (Project hierarchy, Code Structure, Find Results, etc) then:

  • Start typing to filter / highlight
  • Use fuzzy matching, i.e. pn to find [P]age[N]ode
  • Use / to disambiguate folders, like s/c/app


There are two main ways to change or add your own shortcuts.

Using preferences

  • go “Preferences > Keymap”, then either

    1. Use the tree to find the Action manually
    2. Use the search input to filter by name
    3. Use the “Find Actions by Shortcut” tool find the action by typing the shortcut
  • For plugins:

    1. locate the plugin via "Keymap > Plugins > [Plugin Name]"

Using the Actions palette

  1. Cmd + Shift + A to show the Actions palette
  2. Type the name of the action you want to find
  3. Select the action then hit Alt + Enter to show the “Keyboard Shortcut” dialog
  4. Press the keyboard shortcut you want to use


Custom touchbar icons

For touchbar Macs, unfortunately it’s impossible to use the F-keys mentioned above, so instead you can configure touchbar icons and use the touchbar instead.

Click below to download:

Thanks to Iconscout (opens new window) for their excellent free icons got me started with this.


To add the icons:

  • Go to Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > Menus and Toolbars
  • Choose Touch bar > Default
  • Click the + button
  • Choose which actions to add

Once done:

  • Select each action individually
  • Click the Edit icon in the toolbar
  • Pick the appropriate icon from your hard disk

Debugger touchbar bug

Because of – I’d call it a bug – in WebStorm, if you use the Node Debugger, the debugger touchbar overrides the default touchbar, hiding the project shortcuts.

To fix this, go to the preferences, and simply delete the touchbar folder. Don’t worry! The debugger controls are easily available via the main Debugger UI.


I hope you found this article useful or enjoyable.

If you want to engage further, follow me on Twitter, Bluesky, or drop a comment or reaction below.

Either way, thanks for reading!