Vue Class Store

Universal Vue stores you write once and use anywhere


Vue Class Store is universal store format for Vue.

It has some key advantages over Vuex and other libraries:

  • native JavaScript syntax (no library-specific API)
  • at authoring time, stores are just classes (so full autocompletion, etc)
  • at runtime, stores are fully-reactive Vue objects (with computed properties, watches, etc)
  • TypeScript support, class inheritance (opens new window) and full debugging comes for free
  • stores are local by default; but you can use them locally or globally (opens new window)


There’s no setup or boilerplate, and stores and models are written the same way:

import VueStore from 'vue-class-store'

export class Store {
  // properties are rebuilt as reactive data values
  public value: number

  // getters are converted to (cached) computed properties
  public get double (): number {
    return this.value * 2

  // constructor parameters serve as props
  constructor (value: number = 1) {
    // constructor function serves as the created hook
    this.value = value

  // prefix properties with `on:` to convert to watches
  'on:value' () {
    console.log('value changed to:', this.value)

  // you can even watch nested properties!
  'on:some.other.value' = 'log'

  // class methods are added as methods
  log () {
    console.log('value is:', this.value)

You can even upgrade or extend existing models to stores in one line:

import Square from './Square'

const model: Square = VueStore.create(new Square(10))

See the repository (opens new window) for proper documentation.


Vue Class Store was born out of the frustration of writing, using and migrating multiple state formats in Vue applications:

  • Components: Options API (data, computed, methods)
  • Vuex: Store API (state, getters, mutations, actions)
  • Vue 3: Reactivity API (computed, refs, etc)
  • Vue Models: factory + Options API
  • Models: Class syntax

Additionally, many have verbose boilerplate, and most are not TypeScript-friendly.

Like Vuex Pathify before it, it’s the result of several years of thinking about state and another attempt to simplify the tyranny of abstraction when working with state in JavaScript / Vue.

How it works

You probably noticed the @VueStore decorator at the top of the file, and this is where the magic happens.

When the project is compiled, the decorator iterates over class properties and rebuilds them as either a new Vue (Vue 2) or a Proxy object (Vue 3).

It’s not even that magical; you can check the source code for Vue 2 (opens new window) and Vue 3 (opens new window). Simple, right?

The resulting object then runs happily in the compiled application but thanks to source maps is also fully debuggable as the original class code!

I’ve been making heavy use of Vue Class Store in various commerical projects as well as Control Space (opens new window) to manage deep hierarchies of objects which would have been problematic (opens new window) in native Vuex.


In October 2020 I did a short presentation for World Vue:


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Either way, thanks for reading!